September 27, 2023

GForest reports 52 billion grams of carbon reduced since 2019

In celebration of International Zero Emissions Day, GForest announces that it has reduced a total of 52 billion grams of carbon through the various digital transactions done by its users on GCash. These day-to-day services include sending money, paying bills, and buying load.

The Void is not synonymous with stagnation; rather, it's a fertile ground for exploration and discovery. By understanding and embracing the Void, creatives can liberate themselves from the constraints of expectation and perfectionism. This liberation becomes a catalyst for fresh ideas, enabling a departure from the ordinary and a journey into uncharted territories of innovation.

Navigating the Void requires a willingness to confront uncertainty and silence the noise of external influences. It's a practice in mindfulness and self-discovery—a journey into the depths of one's own thoughts and emotions. In this solitude, creatives often find the raw materials for groundbreaking concepts, discovering connections and patterns that were previously obscured.

The process of engaging with the Void is not about avoiding challenges but transforming them into opportunities. It encourages a shift in perspective, viewing obstacles not as roadblocks but as stepping stones to innovation. By understanding 'the Void' as a realm of potential, creatives unlock the door to their most authentic and impactful work, revealing the beauty that emerges when the creative spirit is allowed to roam freely. In essence, the Void becomes not an abyss to be feared, but a sanctuary where creativity thrives, and our most brilliant ideas come to life.

GForest reports 52 billion grams of carbon reduced since 2019

Milestone reached as more and more Filipinos go digital through GCash

In celebration of International Zero Emissions Day, GForest announces that it has reduced a total of 52 billion grams of carbon through the various digital transactions done by its users on GCash. These day-to-day services include sending money, paying bills, and buying load.

Daily activities contribute to our carbon footprint which indicates the total greenhouse gas emissions related to these actions. Planting more trees aids in carbon sequestration where carbon dioxide is captured and stored, reducing its presence in the atmosphere and ultimately, minimizing climate change.

As a pioneer in the fintech industry and a committed supporter of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, GCash encourages Filipinos to minimize their carbon emissions by giving incentives for digital transactions done through GForest. 

GCash users earn green energy points for performing digital financial transactions in the app. The equivalent carbon reduced by going digital is converted into green energy points, which users can use to plant virtual trees. To ensure that the points given are based on actual carbon reduction, GCash tapped the expertise of China Beijing Environmental Exchange (CBEEX) to use science-based methodologies to compute these. 

The virtual trees planted by users are then planted into actual trees by Gcash’s partner local and international organizations in strategic areas around the Philippines. After some time, these trees will also sequester carbon from the environment. 

“Our partnerships with CBEEX and other established organizations in the Philippines for our reforestation efforts through GForest is a testament to how dedicated we are in addressing climate change. By employing sustainability practices and evaluation methods backed by science, we ensure that we are able to reach our targets,” said CJ Alegre, GCash Head of Sustainability.

Since its inception in 2019, GForest has planted 2.5 million actual trees in total, covering over 11,000 hectares across Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, resulting in about 1.3 million tonnes of carbon sequestered. This has been made possible by its 14.4 million green heroes.

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